Ops team,

I want to make sure that everyone is aware of the current process for requesting additional Workplace accounts and also removal of current Workplace users. 

Please Email the following information for Workplace Account Creation Requests.

  • Employee First and Last Name :  (Bill Wiser)
  • Employee Office Location :  (Roy Utah)
  • Employee Focus Hire Date : (Can be found in Raven, ex. 10/01/1999)
  • Focus Email Address :  (bill.wiser@focusservices.com)
  • Email address of Direct Manager :  (Paul.Liljenquist@focusservices.com)         
  • Department :  (IT, Operations, Quality, Verification, Etc. Not Campaign)
  • Job Title :  (Coach, Director, Quality Administrator, Site Lead, etc. Not Campaign)

Please Email this request to WorkplaceUserRequests@focusservices.com. This email address does not accept email from email accounts outside of the FocusServices domains. Please ensure that you are sending from your FocusServices.com or FocusServices.email account.

Should you have a request to make a change to an existing user such as name or email address these requests, as well as requests to remove users who are no longer with the company or who have moved from management positions back to agent roles, should be sent to the same group as above.

Requests will attempt to be handled within a 2 working day time-frame although in most cases they will be done much more quickly. 

Please disseminate this information to your teams and anyone responsible to make these type of requests.


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